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Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom)


sfiii3ur1/cap-33s-1.chd 64.71 MB CPS3
Plattform Capcom / 1999 2 Schalttafel Kartusche 31/01/2014 09/04/2021 4080 Zeiten

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jeu Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom)
Note : 4.00 / - 5 vote(s)

MAME Spiel- / PCB-Informationen

0.230 Hitachi SH-2 25 Mhz

MAME Detail-Set

cap-33s-164.71 MB2f4a9006a31903114f9f9dc09465ae253e565c51


Image n° 1 - cabinets : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 2 - cpanel : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 3 - gameover : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 4 - pcb : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 5 - scores : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 6 - select : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom) Image n° 7 - versus : Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA 990512) (CHD) (scsi:1:cdrom)

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Emulation CPS3

  • Typ : Arkade system
  • Hersteller : Capcom
  • Medien : Kartusche
  • Emulatoren zählen : 5
  • ROMs zählen : 55
  • BIOS zählen : 0
Emulation : CPS3

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