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Téléchargement du jeu
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)

Informations fichier 1.37 Mo CPS2
Plateforme Capcom / 1994 2 Panel Cartouche 02/02/2013 09/04/2021 252 fois

Téléchargement direct du jeu
jeu X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)
Note : 4.00 / - 2 vote(s)

MAME Informations sur le Jeu / PCB

0.230 Motorola MC68000 16 Mhz

MAME Detail du set

xmna.03b512.00 Ko554753ff7abd5b66d2ffede64e4c459f3df42209
xmna.04b512.00 Ko7f6c4555330923641310fae2beda1047a1c711b4
xmn.05512.00 Ko4e3317d7ca981e33318822103a16e59f4ce20deb
xmn.06512.00 Ko904b2312ee594f5ece0484cad0eed25cc758185e
xmn.07512.00 Ko3f3a0aabbe5ffad8136ac91e0de785103b16059b
xmn.08512.00 Ko40a5892d816f24cbfd4c310792eeabf689c6fa7e
xmn.09512.00 Ko733671f76d766bda7110df9d338791cc5202b050
xmn.10512.00 Ko8f5fcb33b528abed670b4fc3fa62431a6e033c56
xmn.13m4.00 Mo4d2740c3a827f0ec2cf75ad99c65e393c6a11c23
xmn.15m4.00 Mo50b8797b8099a8d76ad063ba1201a13dbb88ae3a
xmn.17m4.00 Moa497477ad9ac13180911d8745ef6ee1955c0b877
xmn.19m4.00 Mo1e31627999736652252164d32662779a1ac6ca29
xmn.14m4.00 Mo89a759ec383518ec52f5059d10ec342f2247aa20
xmn.16m4.00 Mo692fb6e4096b880aa22996d554b160f664bbd907
xmn.18m4.00 Mocccc95dafd076a1a9fa004710006149c42d058ba
xmn.20m4.00 Mo17ba259cad03c7b5d56c0a5eda9ab53521665729
xmn.01a128.00 Kof29e15f537675305264ae2138a0a537fb9e2008b
xmn.02a128.00 Koaf502debfd36100d4fc971ed25fdf9d7121d6f18
xmn.11m2.00 Moac8ac564d3c43225822f8bc330eba9f35b24b0a4
xmn.12m2.00 Mo3279774ad8aebbcf0fc779cdfcbe21044dd192ad
xmcotaa.key20 octeteffcfdf03e71d386356c32c2803c8c841871e24c


Image n° 1 - cabinets : X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217) Image n° 2 - cpanel : X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217) Image n° 3 - scores : X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217) Image n° 4 - select : X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217) Image n° 5 - versus : X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941217)

Emulation CPS2

  • Type : Système Arcade
  • Fabricant : Capcom
  • Media : Cartouche
  • Nombre d'emulateurs : 9
  • Nombre de ROMs : 308
  • Nombre de BIOS : 0
Emulation : CPS2

Emulateur au hasard