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Meine Tierpension

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Meine Tierpension (G).zip 3.76 Mo Gameboy Advance
Simulation 1 Manette Cartouche 20/08/2019 02/11/2022 55 fois

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jeu Meine Tierpension
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A propos du jeu

Meine tierpension is the refined pet care program for demanding players. owners of fish, budgies, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, horses and their young will leave their animals with you and you will, of course, return them in excellent condition. the more success, the more opportunities! take the best care you can of your four-legged and feathered guests: feed them, keep their enclosures clean, play with them, get new toys for them, and ride the horses in the countryside. you will build and expand your pet hotel based on your ideas in exciting scenarios of a realistic 3d world with different levels of difficulty, in order to provide a good and protected place to stay for pets.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Meine Tierpension

Emulation Gameboy Advance

  • Type : Console portable
  • Fabricant : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartouche
  • Nombre d'emulateurs : 6
  • Nombre de ROMs : 2011
  • Nombre de BIOS : 0
Emulation : Gameboy Advance

Emulateur au hasard