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World Championship Poker

Informations fichier

World Championship Poker (E).zip 1.45 Mo Gameboy Advance
Stratégie Crave / Sensory Sweep 2004 1 Manette Cartouche 20/08/2019 02/05/2024 106 fois

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jeu World Championship Poker
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A propos du jeu

Now you can play the best games that las vegas, atlantic city, and new orleans have to offer right in the palm of your hand. in world championship poker, you can visit a variety of casinos to play games such as poker, blackjack, video poker, and slots. although your ai-controlled opponents are tough, each one has a unique set of "tells" that give you more information about the cards he or she is holding. win money in single-player matches or challenge up to three of your friends via a game boy advance link cable.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : World Championship Poker

Emulation Gameboy Advance

  • Type : Console portable
  • Fabricant : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartouche
  • Nombre d'emulateurs : 6
  • Nombre de ROMs : 2011
  • Nombre de BIOS : 0
Emulation : Gameboy Advance

Emulateur au hasard