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Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom

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Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993).zip 257.18 KB Lynx
Beat-'Em-Up Atari / Tecmo 1993 1 Controlador Cartucho 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 315 veces

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jeu Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom
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Sobre el jeugo

Ninja Gaiden III - El antiguo barco de la muerte

Ninja Gaiden III: El barco antiguo de la muerte es un beat'em todos en Lynx. Tocas al héroe Ryu Haybusa. Así que navega por los diferentes niveles en busca de los rompecabezas que rodean el "Plan Biohazard".

Manual de instrucciones

manual for Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom

Captura de pantalla

Image n° 1 - box : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 2 - carts : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 3 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 4 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 5 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 6 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 7 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 8 - screenshots  : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 9 - screenshots : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom Image n° 10 - titles : Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom

Emulation Lynx

  • Tipo : Consola de mano
  • Fabricante : Atari
  • Medios : Cartucho
  • cantidad de emuladores : 12
  • cantitad de ROMs : 104
  • cantitad de BIOS : 0
Emulation : Lynx

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