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Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2)

Informacion del archivo 35.59 KB MAME
Plataforma bootleg (Beta) / 1986 2 Panel Cartucho 09/04/2021 09/04/2021 24 veces

Descarga Directa
jeu Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2)
Note : 5.00 / - 1 vote(s)

MAME Información del juego

0.230 Zilog Z80 6 Mhz

MAME Establecer información

1.ic8132.00 KBeee0975b799a8e6717f646dd40716dc454476106
2.ic8232.00 KBe9b6fef98d0d20e77c7a1c25eff8e9a8c668a258
a75-06__bootleg_68705.ic142.00 KBa302937683d11f663abd56a2fd7c174374e4d7fb
a75-03.ic6432.00 KBac053cc4908b4075f918748b89570e07a0ba5116
a75-04.ic6332.00 KB5d253c46ccf4cd2976a5fb8b8713f0f345443d06
a75-05.ic6232.00 KB7520dd48de20db60a2038f134dcaa454988e7874
a75-07.ic24512 B6bc589e8a609b4cf450aebedc8ce02d5d45c970f
a75-08.ic23512 Bc14f56b8ef103600862e7930709d293b0aa97a73
a75-09.ic22512 Badaa003dcd981576ea1cc5f697d709b2d6b2ea29

Captura de pantalla

Image n° 1 - cabinets : Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2) Image n° 2 - cpanel : Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2) Image n° 3 - gameover : Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2) Image n° 4 - scores : Arkanoid (bootleg with MCU, set 2)

Emulation MAME

  • Tipo : Arcada system
  • Fabricante :
  • Medios : Cartucho
  • cantidad de emuladores : 5
  • cantitad de ROMs : 34834
  • cantitad de BIOS : 34
Emulation : MAME

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