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Pac-Man (1982) (Atari).zip 8.20 KB Atari 5200 Action Atari, Inc. / Namco Limited 1982 1 - 2 Joystick Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 2100 times Direct Download.webp)
About game
Game Mechanics
Pac-Man, an iconic character in the history of the video game, is a character in the shape of a yellow round with a mouth. It must eat gums and bonuses (in the form of fruit, and a key at 5,000 points) in a labyrinth haunted by four ghosts. Four special pac-gommes (super pac-gommes) make ghosts vulnerable for a short period during which Pac-Man can eat them. The ghosts then become blue and display an expression of fear reported by small eyes and a broken online mouth and when a ghost gets eaten, his eyes return to the central room of the labyrinth to make it normal again. The original game includes 255 different labyrinths (the game was considered going to infinity, but the 256level is unplayable because of a bug that drowns the right half of the level under a large cluster of symbols (see Bug sub-section at 256level), this bug comes because the number of levels was encoded on a single byte. The character can borrow passages located on each side of the screen, producing an effect of wraparound, making him reappear on the other side of it.
Here is the table showing the different fruits, their values and the levels where they can be found:
Fruit | Points | Levels |
Cherry | 100 | 1 |
Strawberry | 300 | 2 |
Orange | 500 | 3 and 4 |
Apple | 700 | 5 and 6 |
Melon | 1 000 | 7 and 8 |
Galboss | 2,000 | 9 and 10 |
Cloche | 3,000 | 11 and 12 |
Clé | 5,000 | 13 and + |
If the player exceeds 10,000 points, he gets an extra life.
Today you can also find this game on a game system in Jamma format. On compilations 60 in 1 jamma that gathers more than 60 arcade games of the 80s or Pandora box that gathers pus of 1000 games from the 80s to early 2000. Often available in reissues of Pacman arcade terminals with designs and reproduction of original machines
Here are the original names and nicknames of ghosts in Puckman:
- Inky: the blue ghost.
- Machibuse ('''' - Embuscade)
- Pinky (''' - Rosette/small and pink): the pink ghost is a feminine character. It is presented as the smartest.
- Blinky: the red ghost.
- Clyde: the orange ghost.
Here are the names and nicknames of ghosts in Pac-Man:
- Shadow (Shadow) - Blinky : the red ghost.
- Speedy (Rapid) - Pinky: the pink ghost.
- BashfulTimide) - Inky (or Inkey): the blue ghost.
- PokeyLimitedClyde: the orange ghost.
Every ghost has a behavior that is unique to him:
- Blinky attacks Pac Man directly. He follows Pac-Man as his shadow.
- Pinky tends to be ambush. She's targeting the place where Pac-Man is going to be.
- Inky is capricious. From time to time, he left in the opposite direction to Pac-Man.
- Clyde fakes indifference. From time to time, he chose a random direction (which could be that of Pac-Man).
This diversity is obtained with some simple programming rules. According to Toru Iwatani, this is the heart of the game: "I wanted every ghost to have its own personality and its own way of moving, so that they are not all hunting Pac Man as a single man, which would have been knocking and insipid."

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Atari 5200
- Type : Living room console
- Manufacturer : Atari
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 20
- ROMs count : 113
- BIOS count : 1