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File information 31.20 KB 126 Commodore 64
Shoot'em Up - H-Scrolling Palace Software / Palace Software, LTD. 1985 1 Joystick Port 2 Cartridge 13/07/2019 01/05/2024 39 times

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jeu Cauldron
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About game

Game Mechanics

Dans Cauldron, the player controls a witch that he makes navigating in a two-dimensional world represented in front of the side. The game offers two types of gameplay: platform game sequences in a cave and sequences of shoot 'em up derailing on the surface where the witch rides a broom. In the latter, the player must find four color keys to access the underground in which six ingredients are scattered that the player must bring back into his marker to make a spell that can defeat the pumpkin. By exploring the universe of the game, the player must face different types of enemies inspired by Halloween like pumpkins, ghosts, skulls and bats, but also other creatures like sharks or laridates. When the witch controlled by the player hits an enemy, it loses points of magic (the latter being also used to shoot projectiles on the enemies). When her magic points reserve is empty, the witch dies before reappearing on the screen with a life in less. This number of lives is limited and the game ends when it reaches zero.

Instruction booklet

manual for Cauldron


Image n° 1 - box : Cauldron Image n° 2 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 3 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 4 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 5 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 6 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 7 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 8 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 9 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 10 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 11 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 12 - screenshots  : Cauldron Image n° 13 - screenshots  : Cauldron

Emulation Commodore 64

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Commodore International
  • Media : Floppy Disk
  • Emulators count : 10
  • ROMs count : 24970
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Commodore 64

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