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2 Games In One! - Gauntlet + Rampart

File information

2 Games in One! - Gauntlet + Rampart (E).zip 2.03 MB Gameboy Advance
Platform DSI Games / EC Interactive Games 2005 1 - 4 Controller Cartridge 16/04/2021 02/05/2024 286 times

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About game

A compilation of the classic arcade games Gauntlet and Rampart brought onto the Game Boy Advance. Gauntlet is an action game where players choose characters and fight their way through hordes of enemies that assault them on the way to the end of the level. One or two players must make their way through 100 levels of mayhem and magic. The game features a choice of four characters to play with, each with different weapons. Thor the Warrior has a bludgeoning battle axe, Thyra the Valkyrie has a close range sword, Questor the Elf has his long range bow, and Merlin the Wizard has magical bolts. Ghosts, goblins and even the life-draining Death are among the enemies. Enemies stream out of generators, so destroy these before tackling the rest. Keys are needed to open the many doors within the levels, and in some situations a door will contain only bonus items, not a progressive route. Scattered magic potions act like smart bombs and clear the screen of all enemies. Beware of poison though, this reduces the character's energy level. Treasure is abundant throughout the levels and adds to the player's score. Rampart is a game combining strategy and artillery action. Build your castle from Tetris-style pieces, place your cannons, bombard the enemy, try to repair, do it all over again. The original arcade release has a single-player and a two-player mode; later revisions incorporate three-player gameplay.

Emulation Gameboy Advance

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 6
  • ROMs count : 2011
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Gameboy Advance

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