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Little League Baseball 2002

File information

Little League Baseball 2002 (U).zip 2.02 MB Gameboy Advance
Platform NewKidCo / Handheld Games 2002 1 Controller Cartridge 16/04/2021 02/05/2024 7 times

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About game

Step up to the plate, and have a blast! Little League Baseball puts you in the game. Play ball in neighborhood parks as you would with your friends - except this time there's no dog to steal your ball? Take control of the action, whether you're pitching a shutout, or smacking a game winning home run.

Emulation Gameboy Advance

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 6
  • ROMs count : 2011
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Gameboy Advance

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