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Arcade Hits - Joust & Defender

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Joust_& 244.51 KB Gameboy Color
Shoot-'Em-Up Midway / Digital Eclipse 1999 1 Controller Cartridge 13/02/2013 01/05/2024 168 times

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About game

A compilation port for the gameboy colour includes 2 classic arcade conversions Defender put players in charge of a ship sent to protect mankind from wave after wave of attacking alien forces. Armed with smart bombs and the ability to use hyperspace to move quickly around the planet, the player ship must fight against Bombers, Pods, Swarmers, Baiters, and Landers - that can capture the humanoids and transform them into deadly and relentless Mutants. Fail to save the humanoids from freefall or Mutant transformation, and the planet is destroyed. In Joust, players take control of a knight with a lance who rides their flying ostrich to do battle against computer-controlled evil knights who ride atop vultures.Players must flap their steed's wings to hit the enemy from a higher jousting point to destroy the vulture and its rider. Once the enemy has been hit, an egg falls to one of the platforms below. The heroic knights must destroy the eggs before they hatch and release new and increasingly more difficult knights. The three strengths of enemy knights are Bounder (red knight), Hunter (white knight), and Shadow Lord (blue knight). These enemy knights are not the only challenge to be found in the game. Players must also contend with crumbling platforms, lava trolls who attempt to pull knights into the fire, and the dreaded unbeatable(?) pterodactyl.

Emulation Gameboy Color

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 1413
  • BIOS count : 2
Emulation : Gameboy Color

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