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Nations, The - Land of Legends
File information
The_Nations_Land_of_Legends_GBC-MNC.zip 457.59 KB Gameboy Color Action Neon / JoWooD Entertainment AG 2002 1 Controller Cartridge 13/02/2013 01/05/2024 56 times Direct Download Play in browser.webp)
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About game
Three nations are living in different sections, concerning to their disparity they start to skirmish themselves now and then. At the beginning of the game you control one hero of each nation (Pimmons, Sajikis, Amazons) and become acquainted to their abilities. After introduction, all three characters meet at a stone set...Even as the three disliked figures intend to start a quarrel, the sky darkens and the stone ropes in the focal point of the stone set awake a flying and fire spitting monster. This monster threatens the entire planet and existence of the individual nations. From this time on the three nations have to work together to defeat the monster...

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Gameboy Color
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 2
- ROMs count : 1413
- BIOS count : 2