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Probotector 2
File information
Probotector 2 (E) [S][b1].zip 22.94 KB Gameboy Shooter Factor 5 / 1995 1 Controller Cartridge 12/03/2018 03/05/2024 43 times Direct Download Play in browser.webp)
About game
We are in the year 2636, and the Earth is suddenly a victim of a massive invasion of bellicose aliens. To fight against them, two armed men decide to attack them front (in the PAL version, Super Probotectorhumans are replaced by robots as part of a censorship, in order to avoid seeing humans perish on the screen).
Game Mechanics
GeneralIn the purest tradition ?, the system consists of a shooting button, a jump button, a special attack button (a bomb destroying all the enemies on the screen). The campaign can be played alone or two, with three modes of difficulty.
The goal is to advance within the six levels, in which many impressive bosses for the time have to be shot. The action is omnipresent, and there is no dead time during the progression. It is necessary to finish the game in the most difficult mode to have access to a complete end, without which the game simply proposes to redo the game with a higher difficulty mode (the player then retains the number of lives he had at the end of the previous part). This principle was quite recurring at the time, and only the most persistent players then reached for complete purposes, causing some frustration among those who couldn't complete the most advanced mode of difficulty.
Each fighter can use two separate weapons, and move from one to another with the X button. It is also possible to use both weapons at the same time by simultaneously pressing the L and R buttons. At various times, mobile containers appear in some places during the progression, and turn into weapons or options when they are affected by the player's shots (the default shot is the one that you initially have on both weapons, and that is also the one that remains on the selected weapon when the player loses a life):
- H: Self-guided missiles;
- S: A multi-directional shot forward;
- C: A limited range of explosive missiles;
- L: Laser;
- F: Flemish launch (also limited);
- B: It is a defense option, which projects a temporary loop on the player, making it invincible for a limited time;
- Bomb: Adds a bomb to the player's arsenal. Every lost life makes the number of bombs fall back to 1.
One of the features of the game is that it uses fashion 7 of Super Nintendo many times, including the zoom and rotation effects of the decor. Indeed, being one of the first games of the console, it served as a showcase to the capabilities of it, which were never seen.
In addition, levels 2 and 5 are exclusively for top view (the others being in classical side view), and the character must rotate to move (using the L or R buttons to turn left or right). The rotation effects are mainly used at these times, and can rob neophyte players especially two players, when the screen is separated (an option in the main menu however allows to choose the split screen or not during these phases).
Levels- Levels 1 and 2: The two heroes lead a counter-attack in the streets of a large metropolis entirely occupied by aliens. They succeed as well as evil in pushing the enemy.
- Level 3: The invaders covered the sky with a thick smoke. Wanting to end their actions, the two protagonists will destroy their installations. For this, they will climb up a tower, probably the command post, and eliminate all that is there.
- Level 4: The two men are now on a motorcycle to the alien marker in the desert. However, an alien ship overcame their bar the road. They're gonna destroy it with a helicopter.
- Level 5: Once arrived, their first objective is to eliminate any surface resistance.
- Level 6: On the ground, the two soldiers are confronted with the commander of the alien forces. Once eliminated, the invasion on Earth is definitely repelled. When they get back, they're a hero.
- The porting on Game Boy advance modifies worlds 2 and 5, mode 7 is deleted and two totally new courses are offered. World 2 becomes an attack on a train and the world attacks it on an alien laboratory. These two levels are actually coming from the Contra Hard Corps/probotector game released on the megadrive. dialogues and certain sprites being deleted, to better stick to the whole.
Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Gameboy
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 58
- ROMs count : 3269
- BIOS count : 7