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WWF Warzone

File information

WWF Warzone (U) [b1].zip 164.08 KB Gameboy
Platform 199x 1 Controller Cartridge 12/03/2018 02/11/2022 16 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

WWF War Zone puts forward a game system in which players must run a series of movements to put their opponents down. These movements include neckbreakers, DDTs and suplexes.

A variety of modes are available. The solo mode consists of the mode WWF Challenge in which the player selects his character and has to challenge other wrestlers in order to obtain the title of the WWF. From time to time, defeated wrestlers will challenge the player to one Grudge match. This match can include death matches with objects as weapons (deathmatchs) or cage games (cage matches). After winning the WWF Championship title, the player must defend it against other wrestlers. Multiplayer modes are available including free mode (free-for-all), two-way cage match, and tornado tag team matches. The game also has a number of hidden characters or to unlock. War Zone also includes a training mode in which the player can practice catches on wrestlers that he has chosen. Other gameplay options are available on the Nintendo 64 version of the game - the gauntlet matches in which the player challenges a group of wrestlers that he must defeat one by one, and the Royal Rumble, in which the player must eliminate wrestlers by throwing them over the ropes. Matches Exhibition can be played against a randomly selected computer.

War Zone is also provided with a mode of creation of the fairly extended characters. It allows character customization, choice of name, choice of clothes, theme, etc. Male or female superstars can be created, with options for skin shades and body parts.

Instruction booklet

manual for WWF Warzone


Image n° 1 - box : WWF Warzone Image n° 2 - carts : WWF Warzone Image n° 3 - cartstop : WWF Warzone Image n° 4 - screenshots  : WWF Warzone Image n° 5 - screenshots : WWF Warzone Image n° 6 - titles : WWF Warzone

Emulation Gameboy

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 58
  • ROMs count : 3269
  • BIOS count : 7
Emulation : Gameboy

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