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Wario Land II

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Wario Land II (UE) [S][!].zip 391.53 KB Gameboy
Platform Nintendo of America Inc. / Nintendo Co., Ltd. 1998 1 Controller Cartridge 12/03/2018 03/05/2024 974 times

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About game


The story turns around the return of Wario's enemy, Captain Syrup, accompanied by three Black Sugar soldiers, to the appearance of pirates. The latter entered Wario Castle during his sleep to steal his treasures, flood the castle and throw a very noisy awakening making Wario's sleep very difficult.

Game Mechanics


Wario Land 2's game system stands out much more than the Super Mario Bros series. than the previous episode. Indeed, in this opus, Wario is immortal, he only loses money when he gets hit by an enemy or a dangerous element of a level. When Wario is in front of a boss, and he's under attack on him, he's only being ejected from the battle area and the player has to come back to the boss room to get his chance. Some enemy attacks transform Wario, which is usually very useful to reach some difficult places of access; it can: be in fire, become fat, be transformed into zombie, become drunk, be flattened, be turned into spring, be frozen, become small. Each of these transformations has their own characteristics.

The game consists of chapters representing a specific theme (forest, city), and each chapter has 5 levels each having a treasure and a fragment of a treasure card. A boss appears at the end of the fifth level. Once a chapter is finished, the next one starts with a cinematic.Some levels have a secret extra output, which affects the scenario if the player takes it instead of the standard output of the level.

Once the game is finished first, when the player starts the game, it falls on an interface representing the level path. the player can therefore choose the levels that he has finished and he can see which levels have a secret exit. He can also see in which level he or she found the treasure and fragment of the treasure card.

The money that the player collects in each level and ends in a reserve of up to 99,999, is a very important element of the game. It allows to play 3 mini games :

  • A mini-game hidden in a door in each level and has 3 levels of difficulty: easy, normal, difficult. If we choose to make the mini-game easy, we pay 200 coins, in normal we pay 100 coins and in hard we pay 50 coins. The mini-game consists of finding an image of an enemy among the 8 images returned to open a safe containing a treasure. There are 50 treasures to find.
  • A mini-game that appears at each end of level. A figure is hidden by 9 black boxes and to return a black box, you have to pay 50 coins from the reserve. The hidden figure is between 0 and 9. Once the player thinks he found the hidden number, he selects it among the 10 digits (included between 0 and 9) displayed at the bottom of the screen. Once the mini-game wins, the player wins a fragment of a treasure card. When the game is finished first, the system of this mini-game changes slightly. A countdown appears and once it finishes, the player loses his coins and a case returns when 50 coins disappear from the counter. The player must press the B button to stop this count on the reserve when he thinks he found the hidden number and selects this number at the bottom of the screen.
  • The third minigame is unlocked when the player has recovered all the treasures and all the fragments of the treasure card. This mini-game is called Flagman D.D. and costs 100 coins for one part. The latter is a memory game. An enemy of the game called "D." appears on the screen and shows a figure between 1 and 4. This figure represents one of the arrows of the directional cross of the console (1 for top, 2 for left, 3 for bottom and 4 for right) and the player must press the right button. Then, D.D. returns to the same number and adds another, the player must press the right buttons. D.D will always show the same numbers but add one to each time the player correctly reproduces what he does. Otherwise, the player loses a life on the three available. If the player goes far enough, 2 other monsters will appear to represent 2 new numbers: 5 and 6 (button B for 5 and button A for 6).

Each chapter consists of 5 levels and is accompanied by a cinematic. They correspond to a particular theme of the game, such as the forest or the city. Each chapter is also concluded by an enemy more powerful than others, the boss.

Conventional Chapters

Here are grouped chapters of which the player naturally directs to his first part, which are not hidden behind a secret passage and which are of growing difficulty.

Wario Castle corresponds to the revival of the hero, the extinction of the alarm alarm, the closure of the water faucet. He will visit his cellars to check the presence of his gold (dérobé by Captiaine Syrup). The levels are here easy to allow the player to become familiar with the game. The final boss is a snake that seems to live in the castle underground.

Wario sees theft of his money. In this second chapter, Wario must join Captain Syrup's boat to chase her. We do in this chapter the knowledge of new monsters. The boss of this chapter is a gigantic bird in the sails of Captain Syrup's boat.

In the forest, Wario is confronted with levels in a forest environment, which does not prevent the presence of ever more numerous doors and enemies. However these are mainly bees, which is the final boss.

Wario continues the pirates in a city composed of a level in a train that he will have to stop, then a level outside, then in a building, in an electric power plant and then finally back out to face the boss who turns out to be a basketball rabbit.

Finally, we find a castle (in echo of the first chapter), that of Captain Syrup. Here appear stronger enemies and more delicate situations. After 2 levels outside and two inside, the last level will lead to one of the final battles of the game against Captain Syrup.

Additional sections

Normally, the player realizes after this fight that some levels of the course he has just led to secret chapters, whose access is hidden in these levels. A map of the levels is available, which allows to play any part and thus play minigames or to look for secret passages. Here's the list.

The alternative of Wario Castle is to let the waking ring, and not to wake Wario in his sleep. The thieves will then stop him themselves and settle in the castle of Wario, which will be put out. This chapter consists of taking it back, which leads to a final fight against Captain Syrup, assisted by a robot representing the main monster of the game.

Accessible in level 5 of chapter 1 (I, 5), a path leads directly to the city, without passing through the boat of Captain Syrup. It consists of 5 subterranean levels, whose boss is a boar that must be pushed into a ditch.

Atlantide is accessible directly from the boat, in the 4Level. Wario can in this level destroy the hull of the boat, which will lead it to a Greek-style city under the sea. Several very different levels of the rest of the game are then available. The result consists of a huge fish and then leads to the city. The player can also find another secret passage in the 5level of this chapter, which will lead him to a single level where he will face Captain Syrup in Atlantis.

The 5 levels of the power plant are accessible from a secret passage in the 4th level of the city. They end with a fight against Captain Syrup.

The 5 levels of the haunted house are accessible in the final level of the city. The monsters are very numerous in this chapter to be ghosts or zombies who have the gift of transforming Wario into zombie itself. There too, the chapter is a final chapter, but it is not Captain Syrup who is fighting here but a kind of ghost who captured it.

A final level, secret, is unlocked only when all mini-games are done and successful. So the player doesn't know about it before. Probably the hardest level of the game, it is mysterious and represents the final victory of Wario on Captain Syrup, that we will no longer see in any other game (in reality, Captain Syrup will reappear in the new Wario Land on Wii, Wario Land: The Shake Dimension).


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Wario Land II

Emulation Gameboy

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 58
  • ROMs count : 3269
  • BIOS count : 7
Emulation : Gameboy

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