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Deep Duck Trouble
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Deep Duck Trouble (J).zip 246.08 KB GameGear Action 1993 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/11/2022 382 times Direct Download.webp)
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About game
Deep Duck Trouble
In the Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck platform game on Game Gear, the player must follow Picsou's logbook to reverse the curse that makes him float in the air like a balloon. Along with Donald, cross islands, jungles and volcanoes and beat a boss at each end of level.

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation GameGear
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Sega
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 5
- ROMs count : 413
- BIOS count : 1