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Sharp Shot

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Sharp Shot (1982) (Mattel).zip 4.97 KB Intellivision
Miscellaneous Mattel / 1982 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 203 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

The graphics are very simple and use elements of previous game titles. The commands are summed up in support of one of the buttons on the controller. All games take place in a limited time.

  • Game 1: Football Passing

The screen, from NFL Football, represents an American football field. The player directs the blue team's sniper and has to press the action button at the right time to send the ball to one of the two blue receivers without being intercepted by the red defenders.

  • Game 2: Space Gunner

This is a modified version of the combat phase Space Battle. The central viewfinder is fixed, and the player can only fire with the action button. The pace of appearance of enemy ships is much higher than in the Space Battle of origin, and the purpose is to destroy a maximum in a limited time.

  • Game 3: Submarine

On a range of water similar to the combat phase Sea Battle, the player controls the launch of the torpedoes of a frozen submarine at the bottom of the screen. It must destroy the maximum of boats that cross the screen.

  • Game 4: Maze Shot

In a labyrinth decor from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the player has an unlimited number of arrows to shoot the enemies that present themselves.


Image n° 1 - box : Sharp Shot Image n° 2 - carts : Sharp Shot Image n° 3 - cartstop : Sharp Shot Image n° 4 - screenshots : Sharp Shot Image n° 5 - titles : Sharp Shot

Emulation Intellivision

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Mattel
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 30
  • ROMs count : 236
  • BIOS count : 4
Emulation : Intellivision

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