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Senran Kagura Burst

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3DS0643 - Senran Kagura Burst (Europe) (En).7z 886.39 MB Nintendo 3DS
Compilation Xseed Games / Tamsoft 2012 1 Controller Cartridge 09/11/2022 05/05/2024 682 times

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About game

A little violent, a little sexy, and a ton of fun! Enter a world filled with beautiful ninja destined to break down the barriers between good and evil. Play two different storylines, each with its own perspective. The girls of Hanzo believe they fight on the side of righteousness, but are their methods always right? The girls of Hebijo are mercenaries to the highest bidders, but what if their motives aren't as clear as they seem? Crush your enemies with your favorite buxom ninja girl using fast punches, mid-air flight sequences, combos, super attacks, revealing cut-scenes and sexy Ninja Arts. Dozens of costumes expose endless combinations! Choose from 72 different costume sets such as school uniforms, swimsuits and ninja gear, along with hairstyles that can be changed, mixed and matched to provide an endless array of looks.


Image n° 1 - screenshots : Senran Kagura Burst

Emulation Nintendo 3DS

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 639
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Nintendo 3DS

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