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Fritz Chess
File information
4080 - Fritz Chess (US).7z 1.74 MB Nintendo DS Thinking Deep Silver / 2009 1 Controller Cartridge 27/02/2013 02/11/2022 144 times Direct Download (En,Fr,Es).webp)
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About game
Fritz Chess
Fritz by Chessbase on Nintendo DS offers you to discover and explore the exciting world of chess game, whether you are a beginner or a professional of the genre. Several game modes are present, from the classic to the riddles, to the "historical mats" mode that offers you to relive the best games of all time.

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Nintendo DS
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 5
- ROMs count : 5900
- BIOS count : 0