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Monster Frenzy
File information
4990 - Monster Frenzy (US).7z 12.31 MB Nintendo DS Platform Destination Software / 20xx 1 Controller Cartridge 30/03/2013 02/11/2022 34 times Direct Download (En,Fr,Es).webp)
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About game
Monster Frenzy
In 2020, people began to disappear all over the world. The police do not know how to solve this mystery, but suspicions are directed to a certain Dr. Webstein. Monster Frenzy is a puzzle-game on DS that offers a story mode consisting of nine levels and an endless mode in which the player can perform 14 mini-games. Two opponents can compete in multiplayer.

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Nintendo DS
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 5
- ROMs count : 5900
- BIOS count : 0