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Killer7 (DVD 1)

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Killer7 DVD 1.7z 808.26 MB Nintendo GameCube
Action Capcom Entertainment, Inc. / Capcom 2005 1 Controller DVD 10/11/2022 02/05/2024 168 times

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About game

Using cel-shaded visuals and the Renderware engine, Killer7 depicts a peaceful alternate world where crime and nuclear weapons have vanished. In a strange turn of events, an underground kingpin unleashes a wave of violence with a invisible suicide army called Heaven's Smile. The unlikely hero to face this threat is the crippled 65 year-old wheelchair-bound Harman Smith. Smith is schizophrenic and you assume one of his seven different personalities throughout the game. Each character has unique abilities. Dan, for example, is a true marksman, while Coyote is an experienced thief with exceptional movement. The unusual cast also includes the blind Con who moves very fast, Kaede with ranged skills, Mask who has the deadliest arsenal and the albino Kevin who can turn invisible. Garcian is the leader of the pack and the only one who can communicate with Harman and revive the bodies of slain personalities. During the game, you can change characters at any time and any place. Depending of the persona you play with, Killer7 mixes stealth and adventure with pure action. It carries a surreal atmosphere with eclectic music, but a politically charged and thought-provoking story with some goofy humour as well.


Image n° 1 - box : Killer7 (DVD 1) Image n° 2 - boxback : Killer7 (DVD 1) Image n° 3 - screenshots : Killer7 (DVD 1)

Emulation Nintendo GameCube

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : DVD
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 86
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Nintendo GameCube

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