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Bo Jackson Baseball

File information

Bo Jackson Baseball (U).zip 140.59 KB Nintendo
Baseball/Sports Data East USA, Inc. / Beam Software Pty., Ltd. 1991 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 18/09/2006 03/05/2024 150 times

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About game

Bo Jackson was the first all-star athlete in two major sports, Baseball and American Football. Bo Jackson Baseball is a game about Bo Jackson baseball career. This game plays lake a standard baseball nine (or 5 – 8 if you wish) innings baseball game. There are three difficulty levels giving access to players at all still levels. When pitching you are given 5 different pitch types that pitcher chooses by pressing the correct directional button before the pitch, therefore keeping it hidden from your opponent. Batting is done the same way but the type of hit is chosen as the batter hits the ball. At any moment, base sneaking can be made (by the batter) or stopped (by the pitcher). Fielding is only done using the CPU, but once the fielder gets the ball then you must choose what base to throw to using the directional buttons. All of the teams are just city names and players, all with different stats, are fictional except for Bo Jackson himself who is hidden in the game.

Instruction booklet

manual for Bo Jackson Baseball


Image n° 1 - box : Bo Jackson Baseball Image n° 2 - boxback : Bo Jackson Baseball Image n° 3 - carts : Bo Jackson Baseball Image n° 4 - cartstop : Bo Jackson Baseball Image n° 5 - screenshots : Bo Jackson Baseball Image n° 6 - titles : Bo Jackson Baseball

Emulation Nintendo

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 24
  • ROMs count : 2354
  • BIOS count : 1
Emulation : Nintendo

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