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Red Dog - Superior Firepower

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Red Dog - Superior Firepower (PAL) (DCP).7z 226.59 MB Sega Dreamcast
Driving Crave / Argonaut Software Ltd. 2000 1 - 4 Controller DVD 11/11/2022 01/05/2024 93 times

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About game

The agreement between the Earth Council and the Haak Delegates came about, not through political or military means, but by financial measures. Three years after their mother-ship first orbited the earth the Haak were invited to the surface in peace and in the search for mutual rewards. This agreement has been upheld for 7 years with only the occasional backlash causing small localised human/Haak conflict but the Haak have kept up their end of the bargain - until now. We have started to lose contact with the human installations around the Haak settlements. The first three recon forces sent to investigate the disturbances were shot out of the air. The Red Dog Tactical Response Team is now preparing for war. As commander of the Red Dog assault vehicle, your job is to rid our people of the now aggressive Haak forces currently occupying the continents of planet earth. Good Luck - Don't dent the tank!

Instruction booklet

manual for Red Dog - Superior Firepower


Image n° 1 - box : Red Dog - Superior Firepower Image n° 2 - screenshots : Red Dog - Superior Firepower Image n° 3 - titles : Red Dog - Superior Firepower

Emulation Sega Dreamcast

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sega
  • Media : CD-ROM
  • Emulators count : 1
  • ROMs count : 234
  • BIOS count : 1
Emulation : Sega Dreamcast

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