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Crime Wave
File information
Crime Wave (EUR).7z 34.54 MB Sega Saturn Driving Eidos Interactive, Inc. / Kremlin 1997 1 - 2 Controller DVD 14/11/2022 02/05/2024 49 times Direct Download.webp)
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About game
Welcome to the urban jungle. Crime is out of control and the cops have been replaced by bounty hunters like you. Fire up one of eight heavily-armed vehicles and buzz through eight zones of devastation. Use guns, grenades, rocket launchers, tire treads...whatever it takes. Car combat game released only on the Sega Saturn.
Instruction booklet


Emulation Sega Saturn
- Type : Living room console
- Manufacturer : Sega
- Media : CD-ROM
- Emulators count : 4
- ROMs count : 63
- BIOS count : 3