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Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster

File information

Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster (J).zip 1.86 MB Super Nintendo
Role-Playing Falcom / Nihon Falcom 1995 1 Controller Cartridge 02/03/2013 03/05/2024 67 times

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About game

Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster

Brandish 2: The Planet Buster on Super Nintendo is a role game where the story takes place 3 years after the first opus. You take control of a young warrior named Ares who is captured and held in an underground prison by a wizard named Karl. The main objective is to help Ares get out of this dangerous prison and find a powerful magic weapon.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 2 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 3 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 4 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 5 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 6 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 7 - screenshots  : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster Image n° 8 - titles : Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster

Emulation Super Nintendo

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 38
  • ROMs count : 10756
  • BIOS count : 82
Emulation : Super Nintendo

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