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Sonic Spike - World Championship Beach Volleyball

File information

Sonic Spike - World Championship Beach Volleyball (U) [h1].zip 108.12 KB TurboGrafx 16
Sports/Volleyball NEC Technologies, Inc. / IGS 1990 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 22/11/2010 01/05/2024 129 times

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About game

Sonic Spike is a beach volleyball game. The player takes the role of a volleyball team with two athletes (which have different strengths and disadvantages) and tries to win a tournament. The second athlete can also be played by a second human player. The controls offer no surprises- players move an athlete over the field and use two buttons for jumping and hitting. Single players also have to switch between the two athletes. However, each athlete has a n energy value which decreases over the course of a match. By using a water bottle the energy gets filled up again, but there is only a limited amount available. When using the training mode instead of the tournament, players can choose between one of three fields and an easy mode which is basically a slow motion mode.

Emulation TurboGrafx 16

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : NEC
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 833
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : TurboGrafx 16

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