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Les masques

1) Children of the Ancien Ensemble de signes rouges et noirs.
2) Keep à secret Masque rouge.
3) Speak to animals Croix noire, 3 points en haut.
4) Happy people Trois ronds noirs reliés entre eux.
5) Think deeply Trait épais rouge, point noir.
6) Caution in all things Masque noir.
7) Among time forever Deux traits noirs horizontaux.
8) Who endures pain "U" rouge

9) Silent of the snake Serpent noir vertical.
10) Drop of rain Points noirs disposés en "V".
11) Happy otters Yeux noirs.
12) Brave a bats Chauve-souris rouge.
13) Seed of the forest Point noirs en "Y".
14) Beware of arguments Trait épais noir, 2 triangles rouges.
15) Home of the peaple Ensemble de signes noirs.
16) Before enemies Neuf ronds rouges, points noirs.
17) Lightning flashes Deux serpentins noirs horizontaux.

18) The river rises Serpentin noir, point rouge.
19) Quick as deer Branches noires, point rouge.
20) The great fire Quatre serpentins noirs en étoile.

Les énigmes

1) Older than the ancient times Etoile.
2) Pin points of light Etoile.
3) Misty veil of dew Nuage.
4) Sometimes I bring showers Nuage.
5) Green on green Feuille.
6) Comes in every size and shape Feuille.

7) Wings of color, voice of song Perroquet.
8) I seek my prey on earth Perroquet.
9) Nothing is do far away Soleil.
10) It is the power of the atom Soleil.
11) Bulding eyes, inflated throats Grenouille.
12) Crooner of the night Grenouille.
13) Vale of silfk, dress of green Orchidée.
14) Lovely colors that you see Orchidée.
15) Slowly does it slide Serpent.

16) Lidless eyes, hypnotic Serpent.
17) It's strenght is in Fourmis.
18) Through our number Fourmis.
19) Pale face upon the earth Lune.
20) Time before and to come Lune.

Les chauves-souris

1) The treetop model had buned Tadarita Brasiliensis.
2) The stiff I'm catching in this Noctilio Leporinus.
3) I would like some juicy mosquitos Natalus Straminery.

4) A wice leafy canopy bed Ectophylla Alba.
5) I d like to catch up Tadarida Chapini.
6) A la chauve souris de droite Macrotus Californicus.

Emulateur au hasard