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South Park - Chef's Luv Shack

File information

South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (PAL) (DCP).7z 159.47 MB Sega Dreamcast
Game Show Acclaim / Acclaim Studios Austin 1999 1 - 4 Controller DVD 11/11/2022 01/05/2024 84 times

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About game

Chef hosts this Acclaim title, which mixes South Park trivia with mini games in the mold of Mario Party (Nintendo 64). The idea is you choose your favourite South Park kid (Kyle, Kenny, Stan or Cartman) and answer the questions based on episodes from the cartoon series. If you get it right, you then spin the wheel, and you either get the cash, lose it all, or play a mini game (either by yourself, against the AI, or against your friends if you're in multiplayer mode). The person who has the highest score (or the most correct answers) after a chosen amount of rounds wins.

Instruction booklet

manual for South Park - Chef's Luv Shack


Image n° 1 - box : South Park - Chef's Luv Shack Image n° 2 - boxback : South Park - Chef's Luv Shack Image n° 3 - titles : South Park - Chef's Luv Shack

Emulation Sega Dreamcast

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sega
  • Media : CD-ROM
  • Emulators count : 1
  • ROMs count : 234
  • BIOS count : 1
Emulation : Sega Dreamcast

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