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Batman Forever - The Arcade Game

File information

Batman Forever - The Arcade Game (EUR).7z 8.37 MB Sega Saturn
Beat-'Em-Up Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. / Iguana Entertainment 1997 1 - 2 Controller DVD 14/11/2022 02/05/2024 403 times

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About game

Final-Fight/Double-Dragon type game featuring the Caped Crusader and his sidekick Robin. Based on the Batman Forever movie, this sidescrolling beat-em-up features the plot, several memorable characters and quotes from its movie counterpart. Use batarangs, a bat grapple and tons of other Batman-specific goodies. Create your own combos and collect powerups to help you in your quest to rid the streets of Gotham from an everlasting flow of bad guys.

Instruction booklet

manual for Batman Forever - The Arcade Game


Image n° 1 - box : Batman Forever - The Arcade Game Image n° 2 - screenshots : Batman Forever - The Arcade Game Image n° 3 - titles : Batman Forever - The Arcade Game

Emulation Sega Saturn

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sega
  • Media : CD-ROM
  • Emulators count : 4
  • ROMs count : 63
  • BIOS count : 3
Emulation : Sega Saturn

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