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Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns

File information

Pitfall II (SG-1000) [!].zip 17.60 KB Sega SG 1000
Action SEGA Enterprises Ltd. / Activision 1985 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 01/05/2024 311 times

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About game

You play Pitfall Harry searching for the Raj diamond, his niece Rhonda, and a variety of treasures somewhere in the Andes. Poisonous frogs, eels, scorpions, bats and other hazards get in the way. Pitfall II is the sequel to Pitfall!, the original platform game. Gameplay has remained pretty much the same, with each screen presenting a side view of obstacles to get past, and potentially treasures to collect. The landscape is more maze like, with a variety of paths and dead ends to search. Along the way there are checkpoints the player will encounter. When the player dies, Pitfall Harry will be sent back to the most recently crossed checkpoint.


Image n° 1 - box : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns Image n° 2 - boxback : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns Image n° 3 - carts : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns Image n° 4 - screenshots : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns Image n° 5 - titles : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns Image n° 6 - titles : Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns

Emulation Sega SG 1000

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sega
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 0
  • ROMs count : 63
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Sega SG 1000

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