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Space Gun

File information

Spacegun (UE) [!].zip 336.47 KB Sega Master System
Gun Taito Corporation / Taito Corporation 1992 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 334 times

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About game

2039 A.D. Man begins deep space exploration in search of new life forms and usable fuel sources. What he discovers is trouble. Until now, the success of past explorations was causing the space effort to grow by leaps and bounds. Until now, the explorers had found little more than fungus and small insects as alternative lifeforms. Until now, the chief dangers had been those posed by the hostile environment of space. Until now, the aliens had not known about THEM. On the ragged edge of the galaxy, other creatures that roam the stars discover humans and spaceships to be excellent sources of food and other resources. Prepared at the worst for clashes with rival exploration teams, the human crews can do little to defend themselves as wave upon wave of nightmare creatures descend upon their ships and bases. In response to their distress calls, the Federation has assembled a series of rescue teams, lead by their best military sharpshooters, to deal with the alien menace. As the leader of one of these teams, you must gun down the intruders and pick up the human survivors. Brave the maze of dark corridors that may lead to a deadly shootout between you and legions of monsters. Pick up survivors and extra ammo on the way.

Instruction booklet

manual for Space Gun


Image n° 1 - box : Space Gun Image n° 2 - boxback : Space Gun Image n° 3 - carts : Space Gun Image n° 4 - titles : Space Gun

Emulation Sega Master System

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sega
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 36
  • ROMs count : 449
  • BIOS count : 2
Emulation : Sega Master System

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