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Panza Kick Boxing

File information

Panza Kick Boxing (U).zip 323.89 KB TurboGrafx 16
Boxing/Sports NEC Technologies, Inc. / Futura 1991 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 22/11/2010 01/05/2024 77 times

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About game

Endorsed by André Panza, this game brings Thai kick boxing to the PC, and gives you nice graphics and smooth animations along with over 35 moves. Use the training gym to build up your character's abilities until you feel ready to take on an opponent. You also have the ability to customize your attacks. When you are ready, go to the ring to take on various opponents as you try to become the best kick boxer in the game. Punch, kick, block... can you survive the fight and emerge as the winner?

Instruction booklet

manual for Panza Kick Boxing

Emulation TurboGrafx 16

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : NEC
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 833
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : TurboGrafx 16

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