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Tweety's High-Flying Adventure

File information 460.30 KB Gameboy Color
Action Kemco / Kemco 2000 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 13/02/2013 01/05/2024 197 times

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About game

Tweety's High-Flying Adventure is a platformer based on the direct-to-video animated movie of the same name. Granny sends off Tweety on a world trip to gather paw imprints of 80 cats in order to win a bet. There are overall 40 levels with ten scenarios, i.e. two cats per level. The levels itself are relatively open and have to be explored in order in order to find the cats, especially by using Tweety's flutter ability. The player has to tap a button rapidly in order to keep him in the air longer. On the other hand, he has no standard attack and has to use items found in the levels, e.g. banana peels or acorns. The cats have to be overwhelmed with those items to get access to their paws. Of course there are also other enemies which take away a part of Tweety's life energy when touched. There is also a two-player mode in which the participants try to get as many paw imprints as possible in a limited amount of time.


Image n° 1 - titles : Tweety's High-Flying Adventure

Emulation Gameboy Color

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 2
  • ROMs count : 1413
  • BIOS count : 2
Emulation : Gameboy Color

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