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Kirby's Dream Land

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Kirby's Dream Land (UE) [b1].zip 134.10 KB Gameboy
Platform Nintendo Co., Ltd. / HAL Laboratory, Inc. 1992 1 Controller Cartridge 12/03/2018 03/05/2024 21407 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Kirby's Dream Land is a set of horizontal scrolling platforms, with phases of shoot 'em up. The player must cross all the game to recover the five sparkling stars. The game consists of five levels, the Greens Prairies, the Lololo Castle, the floating islands, the foamy clouds, the last being the King Dedede Castle located on the eponymous mountain. Levels take place outside or are successions of different rooms. It includes warp zones materialized by secret stars and bonus rooms. Each level has one boss. Kirby has to face them all again in the last level. Each victory against one of these allows Kirby to get a glittering star that he must return to the inhabitants of the planet. Some levels include mini---boss Halfway.

Kirby can walk and jump, and he's not armed. But he can swallow enemies and objects, and throw them to use them as weapons, and thus kill his enemies. Some enemies and boss cannot be sucked. However, the game still offers objects near these enemies, to serve as projectiles. To aspire, the character must be on the ground and must not have breathed air. Indeed, by swallowing air, Kirby grows volume and can fly away, and reach inaccessible objects and places. At any time, the player can pick up air to land. This air release can hurt basic enemies or destroy blocks. Kirby can also fall on enemies.

The player can collect many items scattered across levels, having various effects. For example, if Kirby swallows the spicy dish, he can attack his enemies with flames coming out of his mouth. A barley sugar allows Kirby to crush his enemies. A microphone allows Kirby to sing and kill his enemies with the sound, while a mint leaf allows him to launch many bubbles of air to deck his enemies. It can swallow food, such as a drink or a bag of food, and return partly or all its life. He can swallow and spit bombs, which blow up everything that is nearby. The player can also earn extra lives.

The game does not integrate any backup system. When the player has finished the game, he gets a code that allows him to start again in difficult mode, called Extra Game».

As in most platform games of the 1980s, the player can accumulate points and get, at some thresholds, extra lives. The game does not have a backup system, these scores are not saved. Every time Kirby touches an enemy, a boss or a projectile, he loses one of his six points of life. If he loses them all, he loses a life and resumes at the beginning of the area covered. If he loses all his lives, the game is over.

Instruction booklet

manual for Kirby's Dream Land


Image n° 1 - box : Kirby's Dream Land Image n° 2 - carts : Kirby's Dream Land Image n° 3 - cartstop : Kirby's Dream Land Image n° 4 - screenshots  : Kirby's Dream Land Image n° 5 - screenshots : Kirby's Dream Land Image n° 6 - titles : Kirby's Dream Land

Emulation Gameboy

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 58
  • ROMs count : 3269
  • BIOS count : 7
Emulation : Gameboy

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