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Geopolitique 1990

File information 77.07 KB 1 Commodore 64
Strategy - Politics SSI (Strategic Simulations, Inc.) / 1984 1 Keyboard Cartridge 12/07/2019 01/05/2024 14 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Geopolitics 1990 is a video game that combines government simulation and wargame. The player embodies the president of the United States and opposes the Soviet Union in a world shaken by international tensions and threatened by a Third World War. In the first part of the game, the player must establish economic, diplomatic or military relations with the rest of the world, divided into sixteen zones, and manage his investments in the military sector. The second phase simulates a Third World War between the United States and the USSR. The relationships created in the first part of the game then determine the orientation of each area that can choose to join the United States or the USSR or remain neutral. To reach a maximum of countries, the player must take into account their aspirations for resources, industrial development, military power, political orientation and stability. To do so, it can provide financial assistance, military assistance or try to make agreements with the various areas of the world. In the second phase, the game turns into wargame or the armies of the two blocks face on earth or on sea. The game offers seven scenarios with each four levels of difficulty.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Geopolitique 1990

Emulation Commodore 64

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Commodore International
  • Media : Floppy Disk
  • Emulators count : 10
  • ROMs count : 24970
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Commodore 64

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