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Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday
File information
BUCKROG0.zip 558.38 KB 6 Commodore 64 Adventure - RPG Text Strategic Simulations, Inc. / Strategic Simulations, Inc. 1990 1 Keyboard Cartridge 12/07/2019 01/05/2024 27 times Direct Download Play in browser
About game
Game Mechanics
The game is probably the one that required the most modifications of the game engine Gold Box, especially because of its science-fiction universe at the opposite of the fantasy universe of other games Gold Box. The game introduces a technical skill system that allows the player to select what his characters have learned at school. Two skill categories are available in the game, general skills and those related to the class and career of the character. Six races (terriens, martiens') and five careers (warriors, doctor, engineer') are proposed in the game. In addition to its skill system, the game also differs from the Dungeons and Dragons games by their combat system in which swords and bows are replaced by futuristic weapons characterized by their range, damage and firing speed.
Instruction booklet


Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Commodore 64
- Type : Computer
- Manufacturer : Commodore International
- Media : Floppy Disk
- Emulators count : 10
- ROMs count : 24970
- BIOS count : 0