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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

File information 142.48 KB 653 Commodore 64
Adventure - Arcade 2D Lucasfilm Games / Attention to Detail Limited 1992 1 Joystick Port 2 Cartridge 12/07/2019 01/05/2024 15 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Indiana Jones and the mystery of Atlantis is a two-dimensional graphic adventure game playing for the third person. Through a pointer-and-click interface, the player runs Indiana Jones and has to solve puzzles to advance in the game. To interact with its environment, it must use its mouse to select one of the nine available commands (like "Use" or "to speak to"), then click on the object or character on which he wishes to perform the action.

At the beginning of a game, the player is offered three different game modes, each enjoying his own cinematic scenes, puzzles and places to visit: the team mode, the enigma mode and the action mode. In the first mode, Indiana Jones is accompanied by Sophia Hapgood who helps her throughout the game. The enigma mode offers many particularly complex puzzles. Finally, the third mode focuses on action sequences and punched bagarrings, which can be avoided in other game modes. Atypical way for an adventure game LucasArts, the main character can die, however dangerous situations are clearly recognizable. A point system, the "Indy Quotient Point"allows monitoring of solved puzzles, overcome obstacles and important objects that have been discovered.

The game also contains an alternative end. It only happens if the player does not save the game after the level or if Sophia is owned by Nur-Ab-Sal. Indy is about to undergo the transformation, but Sophia intervenes, pushed by the spirit of Nur-Ab-Sal. It undergoes transformation and disappears. Indy runs on time and wonders why Sophia didn't listen to her.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Image n° 2 - screenshots  : Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Image n° 3 - screenshots  : Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

Emulation Commodore 64

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Commodore International
  • Media : Floppy Disk
  • Emulators count : 10
  • ROMs count : 24970
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Commodore 64

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