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Bonanza Bros
File information
BONANZAB.zip 66.54 KB 281 Commodore 64 Arcade - Miscellaneous US Gold / SEGA Enterprises Ltd. 1992 1 - 2 Joystick Port 2 Cartridge 13/07/2019 01/05/2024 12 times Direct Download Play in browser
About game
Game Mechanics
Bonanza Bros. is a mix of platforms, shooting, and infiltration. Player 1 controls Robo (the big lean and red), player 2 controls Mobo (the small and blue). The game consists of collecting various objects scattered in each level consisting of a building, and heading towards the exit, once all objects collected, by avoiding the different guards. The player has a gun to neutralize the said guards for a few seconds, but some of them also have a gun.
The player must manage to escape the guard's vigilance, if a guard sees the player, a point of exclamation will appear above his head, then whistle to alert his colleagues, who will start chasing the player until they touch him, or escape them, especially by changing room or floor.
The basic guards, which resemble police officers, can be neutralized with a simple shot, other guards, resembling CRS in armor, can only be affected on one side because of their protective shield, there are also dogs, innofensive robots, but which can alert the guards by making noise, as well as a balze that throws bombs. It is also possible to neutralize an enemy if you open a door and find it behind.
The player can also get back to the walls and move on two plans.
Instruction booklet


Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Commodore 64
- Type : Computer
- Manufacturer : Commodore International
- Media : Floppy Disk
- Emulators count : 10
- ROMs count : 24970
- BIOS count : 0