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Track and Field
File information
Track and Field (1984) (Atari).zip 11.07 KB Atari 2600 Beat'em all 1984 1 - 2 Joystick Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/11/2022 144 times Direct Download Play in browser.webp)
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About game
Game Mechanics
In the original version, the player controls an athlete in six different disciplines: the 100 m, the jump in length, the javelin throw, the 110 m haies, the hammer throw and the jump in height. Two buttons are used for the race and an action button for jumps and throws. Track & Field can be played alone or up to four to try to beat the records in turn.


Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Atari 2600
- Type : Living room console
- Manufacturer : Atari
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 23
- ROMs count : 2447
- BIOS count : 0