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Ringside Seat

File information 41.36 KB 407 Commodore 64
Sports - Boxing Strategic Simulations, Inc / Strategic Simulations, Inc 1983 1 - 2 Joystick Port 2 Cartridge 12/07/2019 01/05/2024 1 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Ringside Seat is a boxing simulation in which the player embodies a coach who advises his boxer during a fight. Before the beginning of each round, the player defined using the keyboard the strategy that his boxer should use during this round, among the seven proposed in the game: fight the feet flat, protect, load, stick and move, stay away, try the KO or protect a cut. During the three minutes of the round, the boxer scrupulously applies this strategy and the player can only advise him to protect himself when he risks being put KO.

The player observes the fight in front of the side and can see the head of his boxer go back when he is hit by a jab, see him fold in two when he takes a blow in the belly, see him fall to the ground in case of KO or see him lift his arms in case of victory. On the right and left of the screen are displayed the status and physical condition of both fighters. As the fight goes on, the player can observe the injuries inflicted on boxers, such as cuts, balafres, swollen eyes, split lips or nosebleeds. A representation of his boxer allows the player to monitor possible cuts and thus avoid a technical KO. The cuts are initially displayed in red on a white background. When the injury gets worse, the background becomes blue, and if the trainer manages to treat it at the break, the background becomes black. On the same screen is indicated how many times the boxer was grounded, during this round and throughout the fight. At the bottom of the screen are posted comments on the course of the fight that detail the blows carried by the boxers and their effectiveness.

The game offers a list of historic boxers and also allows to create its own fighters. Each boxer is evaluated in 27 different categories and attributes.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Ringside Seat Image n° 2 - screenshots  : Ringside Seat

Emulation Commodore 64

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Commodore International
  • Media : Floppy Disk
  • Emulators count : 10
  • ROMs count : 24970
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : Commodore 64

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