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Europe Ablaze
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EUROPEAB.zip 69.08 KB 523 Commodore 64 Strategy - War Strategic Studies Group Pty Ltd. / Strategic Studies Group Pty Ltd. 1985 1 Joystick Port 2 Cartridge 13/07/2019 01/05/2024 6 times Direct Download Play in browser
About game
Game Mechanics
Europe Ablaze is one wargame which simulates strategic bombing operations in Europe during the Second World War. It proposes three scenarios that each cover several months corresponding to critical periods of war. The first simulates the Battle of England that opposes the Royal Air Force to the Luftwaffe, which tries to bombard England's strategic infrastructure to prepare an invasion of the United Kingdom by the German army. The second traces the first bombing operations conducted by the Royal Air Force and the US Air Force against Germany in 1943. The third finally retraces the most devastating bombing of Germany by the Allies in 1945. In each scenario, the player can order either of the two camps and face the computer or other players. Each scenario covers operations on a daily basis, each day being divided into five-minute intervals. The player commands aerial groups, consisting of five to forty aircraft, for which I program take into account the losses and damages suffered in combat and the unavailability periods associated with the maintenance or repair of the aircraft. Bombing operations must be planned daily by the player. It can organize up to five major bombing missions a day for which it can select the bombing groups participating in the operation, assign them a hunter escort and define their target, flight plan and arrival time on their goal. In addition to these major missions, the player can also plan secondary attack, reconnaissance, patrol or interception missions. On the contrary, defence operations are continuously managed during a combat day. Based on the alerts transmitted by its radar and patrols, the player must decide whether to intercept an enemy aircraft group and assign a hunter group to that mission.

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Commodore 64
- Type : Computer
- Manufacturer : Commodore International
- Media : Floppy Disk
- Emulators count : 10
- ROMs count : 24970
- BIOS count : 0