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Lil' Monsters
File information
Lil_Monsters_USA-MNC.zip 280.85 KB Gameboy Color Strategy Agetec Inc. / KID Corp. 2000 1 Controller Cartridge 13/02/2013 01/05/2024 59 times Direct Download Play in browser
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About game
Lil' Monster is an RPG strongly inspired by Pokémon games, the major differences being that it has no open world. The player simply selects locations on map. The player uses small monsters for training and battling. The battle rewards the player with experience for the monsters to level-up and gems. In town, he can buy or sell various items. There is also a special Arena. In battles, the player selects the monster's special command to use each turn.

Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Gameboy Color
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 2
- ROMs count : 1413
- BIOS count : 2