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Spud's Adventure

File information

Spud's Adventure (U).zip 42.38 KB Gameboy
Action Atlus Co., Ltd. / Atlus Co., Ltd. 1991 1-2 Controller Cartridge 12/03/2018 03/05/2024 99 times

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About game

In Spud's Adventure the player takes the role of a potato who is tasked with rescuing the king's kidnapped daughter. To do so, he has to climb a tower consisting of many floors. There are two types of gameplay encountered during the game- Finding the exit in a maze-like stage while shooting enemies (touching them takes away life energy and eventually leads to death) or a Soko-Ban variant. Here the player has to push blocks into certain marked positions, but they cant be pulled. In those stages the level can be reset without penalty. Shooting enemies awards experience points which eventually leads to a health upgrade. The protagonist also encounters various friendly sprites who can be talked to and give hints.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Spud's Adventure

Emulation Gameboy

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : Nintendo
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 58
  • ROMs count : 3269
  • BIOS count : 7
Emulation : Gameboy

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