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Double Dragon
File information
Double Dragon (UE) (Proto).zip 207.96 KB GameGear Beat-'Em-Up Virgin Interactive / Virgin Interactive 1993 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 392 times Direct Download.webp)
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About game
The Double Dragon brawler series received a unique entry on the Game Gear. In this game, only one of the two Lee brothers takes on the underworld- Jimmy has been murdered by the Dragon Lord gang, so it's Billy's turn to exact revenge. Billy's rampage will take him through six large levels, each consisting of several sub-stages. These include skid row at night, uptown during the day, the harbor, a subway train, the countryside and a mansion. Numerous Dragon Lord goons stand in Billy's way and must be taken out with punches and kicks. Each of the six large levels concludes with a boss fight against an extra large enemy. In a departure for the series, Billy is able to pick up guns (with a limited amount of shots) at various points during the game, allowing him to dispatch foes easily from a distance. By collecting various power-ups, Billy can increase his health bar and the number of continues. A statistic after every level details amount of hits taken and dealt.


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Emulation GameGear
- Type : Handled console
- Manufacturer : Sega
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 5
- ROMs count : 413
- BIOS count : 1