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Sea Battle

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Sea Battle (1980) (Mattel).zip 4.64 KB Intellivision
Strategy Mattel / 1980 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 392 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

The game is a naval battle opposing two opponents in an ocean sown with islands. Everyone has to manage to invade the opponent's attachment port while protecting their own port. Each player has access to thirteen warships representing eight different types of ships, which they can organize in fleets from one to three ships.

Types of ships
Aircraft carrierTransport of troopsBakedSubmarineDestroyerPT boatMine shellMine Dragger
Max speed.3030353540402030/15
Blindageaverageheavyvery heavylightlightnonelightlight
Fire power107122091266
Shooting rangelongvery shortlongvery longaverageshortvery shortvery short
Maniability / accelerationSlowvery slowaveragefastfastvery fastaverageaverage

The mine dredger sees its speed divided by two when it is active (in the process of neutralizing the opposing mines).

Game phases
  • Strategy phase:

The screen represents a general view of the theatre of operations, with in the lower left corner the attachment port of the player 1, and in the upper right corner that of the player 2. Players can see the location of all fleets on this screen (but not their composition). Everyone can direct their fleets by giving them a course; the fleet moving in this direction until ordered to stop or until it meets the earth or another fleet. If two opposing fleets approach each other, any action stops and both fleets begin to flash quickly while an alarm sounds. One of the players can then choose to engage in the battle, or if none of the players engage, the two fleets will continue to move after a few moments. On this screen, the fleets composed of a mine mutter can also trap the location where they are. Ships of an enemy fleet will take damage if they pass to this place, except the fleet is composed of an active mines dredger.

  • Combat phase:

When two opposing fleets engage, the action zooms on the section of the ocean where the fleets are located, and both fleets become visible. Players take control of their respective amiral vessels and try to sink the opponent's ships. Ships may be damaged by fire (enemy or friend) or by collision with land, and flow when they have suffered too much damage. The fight ends and the game returns to the strategy phase when all ships of a player's fleet are destroyed. A player may also choose to ring the retreat to withdraw from the battle, but must survive for 15 seconds to succeed in escape.

Damaged vessels can be repaired by returning to the player's home port. In addition, the fleets can be dissolved and reassembled in the attachment port (a maximum of three times per part).

The game continues until one of the players leads his aircraft carrier or his transportation of troops in the opponent's attachment port, thus successfully envading him and winning the game. If a player loses these two ships during the battle, any vessel remaining in his fleet may invade the opposing port.


Image n° 1 - box : Sea Battle Image n° 2 - carts : Sea Battle Image n° 3 - cartstop : Sea Battle Image n° 4 - screenshots : Sea Battle Image n° 5 - titles : Sea Battle

Emulation Intellivision

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Mattel
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 30
  • ROMs count : 236
  • BIOS count : 4
Emulation : Intellivision

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