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Lode Runner

File information

Lode Runner 1 (1984) (Sony) (J).zip 15.95 KB Msx
Platform Sony / 1984 1 - 2 Keyboard Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/11/2022 413 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Lode Runner is a set of platforms in which the player controls a character that evolves in levels made up of different types of structure (scales, walls, bridges) in order to recover ingots while escaped the guards that pursue it. The hero is armed with a laser gun that allows him to drill brick walls and thus create holes that close after a while. This technique can be used to unlock a passage to an inaccessible linen or to trap guards, which are destroyed when the hole closes if they fail to escape in time. In this case, a guard appears immediately at the top of the screen. Some bricks are too solid and do not allow to dig a hole. The hero must also avoid falling into the holes he digs because, unlike the guards, he cannot get out of it. It must also avoid the guards that go through the levels, under penalty of being killed, but can walk freely on the guards trapped in a hole. After recovering all the ingots scattered in a level, a new scale appears and allows it to access the next level. The game consists of 150 levels. It also incorporates a level editor that allows the player to change the game levels or create new ones.


Image n° 1 - box : Lode Runner Image n° 2 - carts : Lode Runner Image n° 3 - screenshots : Lode Runner Image n° 4 - titles : Lode Runner

Emulation Msx

  • Type : Computer
  • Manufacturer : Multiple (Sony, Pionneer, Panasonicn Samsung...)
  • Media : Floppy Disk
  • Emulators count : 11
  • ROMs count : 589
  • BIOS count : 5
Emulation : Msx

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