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Double Dragon II - The Revenge
File information
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (U).zip 144.73 KB Nintendo Beat-'Em-Up Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. / Technos Japan Corp. 1988 1 - 2 Controller Cartridge 18/09/2006 03/05/2024 1417 times Direct Download Play in browser (Rev A).webp)
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About game
Double Dragon II - The Revenge
After having kidnapped Marian in the first part, the Black Warriors go further and kill her in this suite. So Billy and Jimmy Lee are back fighting to avenge his death. Double Dragon II : The Revenge on NES is the adaptation of the second beat'em all of the series output in the arcade rooms. This NES version contains additional levels compared to the original game.
Instruction booklet


Do you seek for Emulators ?
Emulation Nintendo
- Type : Living room console
- Manufacturer : Nintendo
- Media : Cartridge
- Emulators count : 24
- ROMs count : 2354
- BIOS count : 1