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Tekken 3

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TEKKEN3.7z 438.53 MB PlayStation
Fighter Namco / Namco 1998 1 - 2 Controller CD-ROM 13/08/2012 02/05/2024 36159 times

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About game

The last eight fighters in the Tekken tournament all have their own range of moves, something to prove, and a reason for any combat opponent to fear them. For example, Nina Williams is a trained assassin, Yoshimitsu is a robotic recreation of a ninja, and Marshall Law (spot the pun) aims to set up a fighting school to pass on his knowledge. As one of these eight figures, you must come through tough fights in a 360-degree 3D environments with texture mapped backdrops and polygon graphics . After beating your seven rivals there are two Bosses to beat. There are three difficulty levels, and fight lengths and number of rounds can be varied. Each limb's movement is controlled with a different button, making finding the right combos a matter of instinct and planning rather than experimentation. Pure martial arts inspire most of the moves. This was the first beat 'em up allowing you to dodge an opponent's attack, something made possible by the 3D perspective. The final slow-motion replay of the final moves allows you to see where you went right or wrong.

Emulation PlayStation

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Sony
  • Media : CD-ROM
  • Emulators count : 43
  • ROMs count : 92
  • BIOS count : 8
Emulation : PlayStation

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