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Robotron 2084

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Robotron 2084 (1983) (Atari).zip 10.71 KB Atari 5200
Shooter Atari, Inc. / Williams Electronic Games, Inc. 1983 1 - 2 Joystick Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 282 times

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About game

Game Mechanics

Robotron: 2084 is a multi-directional 2D shooter. The player controls an armed character in a mono-screen environment represented to top and the goal of the game is to destroy the robots that kill it and save humans in order to get the best score possible. The control system is based on two joysticks: the character can be moved and shoot independently in the eight directions. The progression is cut into "waves" that succeed once all enemies are destroyed. A wave can contain up to 100 elements (robotrons, humans and electrodes), randomly positioned on the play area. The character starts the game in the center of the screen. He dies as soon as he comes into contact with a robot, projectile or obstacle.

There are different types of Robotrons. ? Grunts are the most basic and represented robots on the screen: they continually advance towards the character. The Hulks are indestructible massive robots programmed to crush humans: these mobile obstacles can be slightly pushed back by targeting them and used as protection against projectiles. ? Spheroids and Quarks are units programmed to manufacture at the chain of Enforcers and TanksThese robots send starved projectiles, which can follow the walls of the level, and circular projectiles, which bounce against the walls. ? Brains are the most dreadful enemies: they launch search-head missiles with delirious trajectories and reprogram humans into killing machines, Progs. All projectiles are destructible. The electrodes are still and destructive obstacles that scatter the screen: they are mortal both for the character and the Grunts.

The family members are represented by Daddy, Mommy and the little Mikey. They are constantly mobile and can get killed. A human is saved when he is touched by the character. The number of points engranged for each saved human is exponential, up to 5,000 points from the 5. The player glanes an extra life every 25,000 points. The system encourages the player to make serial rescues to increase his life reserve at the risk of enmity.

The first seconds of the game are decisive: the player has only a few tenths of seconds to spot the position of the elements and decide on a walk to follow. The tactic can be to extract as quickly from the centre of the screen, to move continuously while shooting independently, or to destroy dangerous enemies as a priority. Each wave presents a panel of specific enemies and requires the player to adapt his strategy. The waves follow almost without interruption. The game has no end: after the 255wave, the game resumes at 1wave without affecting the score.


Image n° 1 - box : Robotron 2084 Image n° 2 - boxback : Robotron 2084 Image n° 3 - carts : Robotron 2084 Image n° 4 - screenshots : Robotron 2084 Image n° 5 - titles : Robotron 2084

Emulation Atari 5200

  • Type : Living room console
  • Manufacturer : Atari
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 20
  • ROMs count : 113
  • BIOS count : 1
Emulation : Atari 5200

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